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Discussion: Who can help me to win insomnia?

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      5:08 am on Mar. 5, 2008
Stop Insomnia - Start True Living
Stopping insomnia is not easy. Below are some tips which may help you to win a sleep disorders.

1. Insomnia is the most common sleep problem among Americans. According to the National Center for Sleep Disorders Research at the National Institutes of Health, about 30-40% of adults say they have some symptoms of insomnia within a given year, and about 10-15 percent of adults say they have chronic insomnia.

2. Insomnia affects all age groups. Among older adults, insomnia affects women more often than men. The incidence increases with age. In addition to daytime tiredness or fatigue, chronic insomnia can be associated with a complaint of compromised intellectual function, mood disturbance, or an increase in physical complaints (e.g., headaches and gastrointestinal problems).

3. Recently, there has been increasing support for therapies that involve modifying behavior and lifestyle.

4. If your work or leisure activities are disturbed by daytime sleepiness, or if you wake up not feeling refreshed and feeling irritable, you should visit your GP. He or she may recommend that you take certain self-help measures to help you sleep (please see Self-help). He or she will also look out for any underlying causes that need treatment.

5.Use over-the-counter sleep medications only for transient or short-term insomnia and in conjunction with changes to your sleeping habits. Be sure to pay attention to your body’s physical response to these sleep medications. Immediately discontinue use if you experience any severe adverse effects.

And You can find in Yahoo some of this queries:
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