Started in February 2006, these scrapbook pages are where we can put some of the photos and stories that don't
belong elsewhere. If you want to print these photos, you might care to ask for the original as the ones on this page are
compressed for display. Of course if you have any story or photos to add please send them to us!
There are some YouTube movies on this page - you might have to tweak your browser to see them.
Page 1: 2006. Page 2: 2007. Page 3: 2008. Page 4: 2009.
Summer holidays, 2010 - We finally made some progress in bridging the lantana gully. The construction is similar to a national park board walk, except that it has rails and is made from donated cast off material (thanks Vickie, thanks Brent!).
Skink eggs found under a log we had to move.
Mum watching - yes we replaced the log with a shorter one before anything could have eggs for dinner.
It did not take long for this gecko to visit, perhaps looking for a new place to shelter. For more about these lizards, see Gecko
We don't know its name, but it is colourful.
Train on the next span.
Francis came up for a visit.
What a mess! Then after some quiet chatting it was time to use the hammer for the first time that day - a loud shriek, then something jumping about below the bridge.
The frightened gecko had dropped its tail. Next time we shall build up the noise gradually.
This antechynus came for a closer look while we were working.
For more information see Antechinus
翼 Tsubasa from Okinawa came for a few days. The small trolley holds a box to carry soil or tools.
With a side wall off for repairs we can see how simple an electric locomotive can be. The battery and relay panel lift out, and there is room for another battery if needed. The locomotive body is still rigid and can operate without any one side, end or roof.
Steve came for a ride.
Most likely a noisy friar bird, thanks to Elly for the identification.
An interesting fungus (we think it is a fungus).
Averil and Tsubasa stop at the end of the second span which is ready for testing.
Here we see Averil removing the rope barrier at the end of the second span to allow the train to move to the end of the fourth span for the first time. First one passenger, then two, and the trestle still stands.
Last view of the project so far.
This possum also discovered the compost heap, or rather, he always knew but this time decided to stay and watch us.
Averil and Tsubasa try it once more before going home.
(more to come)
Mayumi making sleepers
Mayumi driving
Back to the main page: BTR. Scrapbook Page 1: 2006.
Page 2: 2007.
Page 3: 2008.
Page 4: 2009.
Page 6: 2011 and 2012.
Page 7: 2013.
Page 8: 2014.
Page 9: 2015.
This page is: (Page 5: 2010). This line last edited: 25 April 2015.