If you want to print these photos in more detail, you might care to ask for the original as the ones on this page are compressed for display. Of course if you have any story or photos to add please send them to us! There are some YouTube movies on this page - you might have to tweak your browser to see them.
Track repairs starting from above the bottom points.
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Scrapbook -
Page 1: 2006.
Page 2: 2007.
Page 3: 2008.
Page 4: 2009.
Page 5: 2010.
Page 6: 2011 and 2012.
Page 7: 2013.
Page 8: 2014.
Page 9: 2015.
Page 10: 2016,
Page 12: 2018.
Some rail was bad, hardly worth recycling. As usual the running suface remains smooth to the end.
Yurie from Japan spent two days at Barchester Towers.
She helped to repair the railway. On the Saturday morning, it was raining a little and the soil was wet so it was a little difficult to work.
日本からの留学生YurieがBarchester Towersに来て、レールの修理を手伝った。
This is the room for tools. There are various tools to make the Railway.
This is the tool to make sure that the rail is horizontal. When it`s horizontal, the bubble come between the lines.
High temperature expands metal. It was a cool day, so we made the small gap between the rails.
We finished fixing about 18m railway.
We enjoyed hiking after working.
Someone told Lucie from Belgium that she really must visit the garden.
Followed a few minutes later by Yuka who had just arrived that morning from from Yokohama
Relaying a bumpy section using the best of the rail recovered from the earlier replacement work futher down the hill. First remove the old, then adjust the level. There was a young snake resting in the leaf litter between two sleepers here. It looked like a long black worm at first but it had scales and a wide head with eyes. As it was too small to be dangerous we let it go. We hope that it will not come back to bite us one day!
Then add sleepers.
Then knock the rail into the chairs with a mallet.
A swim in the dam as a reward for our hard working crew.
There was once a railway on the bank here. It was used to move boxes of water weed (salvinia) cleared from the surface. The track did not last long because it was made with channel that was strong enough for a truck load of weed, or people, but not for cattle. It was removed before Yuka was born, but one day it might be replaced.
followed by some clean sand and water.
End of the holiday: restored track reconnected to the old, so the main line is open again.
This section had been closed for a year to let the lawn spread across the track. We have just cut slots in the grass to expose the rails again. We expect that the grass between the rails will will be able to survive until next summer.
That night Saya and Wei Ming were our first passengers over the lawn track section.
Visit to Narara for the annual "all invited" weekend run.
Bernice drives slowly up to station where there are several other visiting trains.
Here's why we spend more time repairing the track than extending it.
Classmates from the local language school. This was an excuse to test our next tram under construction. The original has a 250W motor driving one axle at one speed. The new one has a 450W motor driving two axles at a variable speed. If all goes well on the garden tramline then we shall see how it goes on the main line up the hill in the bush.
We expect that there will be people to entertain on Christmas Day so it's time to get the garden tramway ready. Several orphan wheel sets have gone under two more compost wagons, both trams are working and several soft sleepers have been replaced.
A cute young fawn that will later grow into a destrcutive feral deer.
Back to the main page: BTR.
Scrapbook Page 1: 2006.
Page 2: 2007.
Page 3: 2008.
Page 4: 2009.
Page 5: 2010.
Page 6: 2011 and 2012.
Page 7: 2013.
Page 8: 2014.
Page 9: 2015.
Page 10: 2016,
Page 12: 2018.
This page is: http://dazed.org/btr/2017/scrpbk17.htm (Page 11: 2017). This line last edited:
11 January 2018.