Our scrapbook - Barchester Towers Railway (Page 13 - 2020)

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Scrapbook - Page 1: 2006. Page 2: 2007. Page 3: 2008. Page 4: 2009. Page 5: 2010. Page 6: 2011 and 2012. Page 7: 2013. Page 8: 2014. Page 9: 2015. Page 10: 2016, Page 11: 2017, Page 12: 2018 and 2019, Page 14: 2021.

January 2020

Finishing the repair of Bridge 4.


Other progress

One of the compost trucks decided to grow pumpkins. We don't need to move it from the siding for now so we shall see if we get any fruit. May 2020: no we didn't.

Two more trucks. More sleepers for track extension.

The latest child to appreciate the trains,

The long wagon had a lucky escape when that log fell from a high tree, grazed the wagon side then hit the ground and broke apart. It is full of heavy dry termite mud.

For the first time in more that a year traffic can now reach the line above Bridge 4. Tully had the honour of being the first passenger.
Here we are at Bridge 6. The drought has killed most of the vegetation at ground level and the trees are dropping their leaves to save energy until some water returns.

August 2020. A wet winter and the hillside is green again.

As seen on the way past, there is just one board yet to fix on Bridge 4, then to paint the new wood to match the old.

This was the first long run since the storm of November 2018. It's taken since then to clear fallen trees and rebuild a bridge, then catch up with track cleaning. A recent tree-fall damaged the high bridge but the fences absorbed most of the energy so the track survived. Visiting Japanese student Chika rode at the front of the train to record the journey. She mentioned that she does like roller-coasters!

December 2020.

A friendly brush turkey checking the garden track before excavating for food (or exercise?).

Back to the main page: BTR. Scrapbook Page 1: 2006. Page 2: 2007. Page 3: 2008. Page 4: 2009. Page 5: 2010. Page 6: 2011 and 2012. Page 7: 2013. Page 8: 2014. Page 9: 2015. Page 10: 2016, Page 11: 2017, Page 12: 2018 and 2019, Page 14: 2021.

This page is: http://dazed.org/btr/2020/scrpbk20.htm (Page 13: 2020).

This line last edited: 17 April 2021.