"The Wilderness Society - Defending Australia's Wilderness"

The Wilderness Society Media Release

NSW Government proposes 200+% increase in South Coast logging

Date: 18 November 1999

Today protesters from The Wilderness Society, and other conservationists, held a demonstration expressing frustration at the Carr Governments continued support of woodchipping our South Coast public native forests, over the interests of biodiversity and the community.

The demonstration is in addition to a series of protests undertaken throughout Northen NSW that are objecting to the North East Regional Forest Agreement between the NSW and Federal Governments, due to be signed before the end of the year.

The future of our South Coast forests is currently being decided in negotiations between the State and Federal Government. An increase of over 200% on current long-term timber quotas is being promoted by the logging industry and is being considered. Also promoted by industry is the burning of forests for power generation (Biomass Power), meaning that forests and tree species previously safe from woodchipping will be targeted.

"State Forests have been promoting levels of logging in excess of ecological AND economic sustainability for decades*. The advice given by State Forests to the Carr Government has led to forest policies that are completely out of step with communities expectation for nature conservation", said Marian Spencer, spokesperson for The Wilderness Society, Sydney.

"The community expects responsible management of our forests with conservation of biodiversity receiving high priority. By allowing current logging levels to be guaranteed, and to be considering massive increases, the Carr Government is placing woodchips ahead of wildlife", said Ms Spencer.

"Our precious forests and their unique wildlife are now at an even greater threat from woodchipping, In 1995 Bob Carr promised a phase-out of export woodchipping by the year 2000. With only one month to go, he has already entrenched woodchipping for a further 20 years and is looking an even further massive increases", conclude Ms Spencer.

* See Auditor Generals' Report on State Forests Timber Allocations:


For further information

Contact : Marian Spencer - NSW Campaign Manager Phone : (02) 9552 2355
Mobile : 0410 482 243
Email : sydney@wilderness.org.au
WWW : http://www.wilderness.org.au