The Wilderness Society - Defending Australia's Wilderness

The Wilderness Society Media Release

Government negotiations may see icon forests woodchipped

Date: 18 November 1999

Some of the most amazing, highest conservation value and best loved forests in the NSW South Coast may be open for woodchipping for the next 20 years, according to the state of current NSW Government negotiations.

These are areas that have enormous tourism and recreation numbers, have had long-running campaigns for their protection (including many forest blockades) and have extremely high conservation values for old-growth, wilderness, threatened species or catchment values.

Below is a list of the icon forests under threat:

Why is the Government considering legislation to guarantee intensive logging and woodchipping of these forests for the next 20 years? Because the logging industry is demanding a 235% increase in logging levels in the South Coast, an amount of timber and woodchips almost impossible to supply without logging these magnificent icon forests. If the government were to ban woodchipping from the region, and develop an industry growth plan using our existing plantations, then all these areas could easily be protected.


For further information

Contact : Andrew Wong / Virginia Young Phone : (02) 6249 6491
Email : campaign@wilderness.org.au
WWW : http://www.wilderness.org.au