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On the Track

Leader Memorial - Ralph Newboult

Ralph Newboult died suddenly aged 74, while on a bushwalk, on 8 November 2000. He is survived by his wife Challis, a son, a daughter and two grandchildren.

Ralph was born in Yorkshire, England. He arrived in Australia in 1952, after obtaining a Bachelor of Science degree in Estate Management, and service with the Allied Occupation Forces in Vienna.

In Australia he qualified as an architect and was employed with the then NSW Housing Commission, working both in Wollongong and Sydney.

It was not until his retirement in 1986 as Senior Supervising Architect that he took up bushwalking, leading the NPA Wednesday Walkers from 1987.

His interest in native plants led him to join the Oatley Flora and Fauna Club as well as the completion of a bush regeneration course with the National Trust. 

Ralph at Bundanoon

He was always pleased to impart his knowledge of flora to interested walkers. Walks were scheduled for times when particular flowers were seen at their best. Bushwalking was a major interest. He loved the bush and enjoyed leading walks, as well as the company of friends he made on the track.

Ralph also enjoyed organising walks, which he did very successfully as his followers can testify. He organised walks for 50 Wednesdays each year, most of which he led himself. Then there were the excursions he arranged for two or three days, and longer trips to New Zealand and Binna Burra, all requiring detailed planning, which he did willingly and efficiently.

Ralph will be greatly missed by a considerable number of walkers, who will especially be reminded of him when they retrace the walks on which he led them.

Contributed by Ralph's friends

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