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NPA Membership Information

Important Information for Walkers
NPA Membership Benefits
Branch Meetings

Important Information for Walkers

Grading system for walks
A single grading system suitable for all people and all activities is not possible. 
Instead, NPA activities are described by the three factors - distance, ascent and terrain - which most determine the overall difficulty.
The three factors
• Total length of the walk in kilometres giving walkers some idea of the amount of walking and the speed intended by the leader. 
• Total ascent in metres expected during the walk.
• Type of terrain giving the most apt description of the walk. When required further details are given in the description of the trip.

Potential hazards on activities 
Whilst walks vary greatly in difficulty, dangers such as poor weather, river crossings, rock climbing and other hazards can be encountered and cannot always be anticipated. Participants on NPA activities must ensure that they have adequate fitness and that they are suitably equipped. Participants must also make sure that they are aware of the conditions likely to be encountered and have adequate experience for the activity which they intend to undertake. If in doubt, participants should speak with the leader for further information.

Please give reasonable notice to leaders if you wish to join an activity, and verify all transport and meeting details. People leading activities for the NPA do so on a voluntary basis and may decline any person’s request to attend. The leader’s permission must be obtained before inviting friends or bringing children on activities. Please follow any restrictions of the times at which leaders wish to be contacted.

Search and Rescue 
Leaders should leave full details of their trip with a responsible person. The NPA is affiliated with the Confederation of Bushwalkers, which maintains a voluntary Search and Rescue section to assist those in difficulties in the bush. In the event of an overdue party or other incident ring the following NPA contacts: 
Lyn Gett: 9797 7845 
David Shepherd: 4226 6565 
Richard Thompson 9213 8033 (W), 
                            9144 1392(H) 
You may also contact Search and Rescue via pocket pagers by phoning 016 020 from anywhere. Ask the operator to send your message (including return phone number) to pager number 277 321.


When transport is arranged by private car it is normal for passengers to share the costs with the driver. Taking into account some of the extra costs of running a car, the following formula is suggested:

• Share equally any additional costs such as park entry fees and so on.
• Calculate the contribution of each person by doubling the cost of fuel and dividing by the number of occupants. 

For example if fuel costs $30, a single passenger (plus the driver) pays $30. For two passengers, each will contribute $20. 
Many NPA activities rely on the generosity of drivers in providing transport and this suggestion does not fully compensate for their costs. 

Please make sure that you do contribute. 

Every person participating in an activity conducted by the National Parks Association of NSW Inc does so as a volunteer in all respects, and as such accepts responsibility for any personal injury, however incurred. The Association, its office bearers and walks leaders cannot accept liability in regard to any injury or damage suffered by any person while engaged in any NPA activity.


 ARMIDALE BRANCH: Monthly excursions and newsletters, with quarterly meetings and social gatherings. Contact John Davidson 02 6772 1296 or Judy Grieve 02 6775 1205.

CENTRAL COAST BRANCH: Third Thursday in March, May, July, September, November at 7.30pm, Bateau Bay Progress Hall.

CENTRAL WEST BRANCH: Contact Dennis Byrne on 02 6335 1698 for meeting times and venues, details are also in the newsletter.

CLARENCE VALLEY BRANCH: First Monday of the month at 7.30pm, Grafton High School Common Room.

FAR NORTH COAST: Contact Hazel Bridgett 02 6629 5010.

FAR SOUTH COAST: Meetings every second month, field trip alternate months. Contact Kim Tayson, PO Box 797, Bega 2550.

HUNTER BRANCH: Contact Secretary, John Vernon, on 4959 5808, or e-mail Branch postal address is PO Box 177, Toronto 2283.

HAWKESBURY-CUMBERLAND BRANCH: First Wednesday of alternate months (starting February) at 7.30 pm, Tebbutt Room, Windsor Library. Ph 02 4573 6169.

ILLAWARRA BRANCH: Contact President, Pam Robinson, on 02 4284 1662.

LACHLAN VALLEY BRANCH: Third Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm, Parkes Neighbourhood Centre.

MACARTHUR BRANCH: Second Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm, Campbelltown North Public School, corner Thomas St and Rudd Rd, Campbelltown.

MACQUARIE VALLEY BRANCH: Second Thursday of the month at 7.30 pm, from February. Contact Secretary Jan Ferguson on 6882 5104 or

MID NORTH COAST BRANCH: Third Monday of the month at 6pm; alternate months at 6.30pm. Ring Gwen O'Dea 02 6583 2272, Mollie Rowell 02 6583 1427.

MILTON BRANCH: First Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm, Room 10, Ulladulla Primary School.

SOUTHERN HIGHLANDS BRANCH: Quarterly general meetings. Contact Secretary, Kate Burnstein, on 4861 2132. (Note: this Branch used to be known as the Berrima Branch.)

SOUTHERN SYDNEY BRANCH: Slide show or general meeting, fourth Wednesday of the month (except school holidays) at 8pm at Sutherland Multi Purpose Centre. Ph Peter Vaughan on 9528 7341 for details.

SYDNEY BRANCH: See Members’ Diary in Sydney Branch Newsletter and this Activities Program for details.

TAMWORTH-NAMOI BRANCH: Third Friday of the month at 8pm, No 1 Oval Pavilion Kable Avenue, Tamworth. Phone Ron Webster for details on 02 6766 4296.

THREE VALLEYS BRANCH: Third Tuesday of the month at 9.30am, Lot 100, Grassy Head Road, Grassy Head (about 2 km from Scotts Head Rd turnoff).

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