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From the Executive ...............

Ski Resort Free-for-all

Roger Lembit

The alpine environment of Kosciuszko National Park is under the greatest threat in 20 years due to legislative changes made by the Carr Government. The Environment Planning and Assessment (Ski Resort Areas) Bill was rammed through Parliament in the dying days of 2001.

The Government refused to adopt NPA amendments which would have seen the effect of the Bill restricted to the existing major resort areas, Perisher Blue and Thredbo. This opens the door to new resort areas in other parts of the Park. These could result in accommodation for 60,000 people in the Park — the population of a large rural city.

The Government’s facilitation of ski resort expansion is proceeding at a time when there are deep concerns at the survival of alpine species in Australia. CSIRO predictions relating to the effects of global warming indicate that by 2070, there will be no reliable snow season. The habitat of plants and animals adapted to alpine conditions will be squeezed to the highest parts of the Park.

Species such as the Mountain Pygmy Possum, Corroboree Frog and Alpine Tree-frog are already in decline. Pressure for ski resort expansion will put more stress on their favoured habitat.

The Association will continue to support development outside the Park in centres such as Jindabyne, Berridale, Cooma and Adaminaby rather than in sensitive alpine environments. We will have to be diligent in opposing the folly of resort expansion in the Park.

Roger Lembit


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