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Time for Productivity|05/03/03
that has paid any attention to this site will know that I get sick of it faster
than the rate Richard Gere unages (I mean, come on, the guy is obviously caught
in some kind of time distortion field that will eventually return him to fetal
status). Not always the site itself, but the concept of the site. I mean,
I have done the "journal" thing, and the... Hmm. Well, there was
that time when I... Well, wow, I've never done anything but written a journal.
I think it’s time to up the interest around here.
While perusing the interweb this morning, I noted that online journals are really.. really.. dull. Unless I know personally the person writing, the last thing I want to hear about is what you ate for supper and how you think such and such is pretty swell. Hell, I don’t even know why people that know me read MY journal, it is far from an enjoyable experience. Here’s an excerpt*:
“Today I woke up and did things. I had potatoes for supper and I think Laura is pretty swell.”
* May be completely fabricated.
There you go. You learned absolutely nothing from it, except
that you visit at least one
too many journals, or “blogs,” as the cool kids like to call them.
Here’s a crudely drawn though very official government-released graph
showing interest levels of a journal versus anything else.
You can clearly see from the joyous game sprite versus the dead one which area I should put my efforts into. Typhoria is going to be more article-oriented from here on in.
Now, before the blog-fans throw a hissy fit, note the link up at the top of the page that says "journal." That is a link to *gasp* my journal, continuing its avid updatedness.
that you say? Random banner out of no where? Poprocks and Coke you say? No,
I am not giving you a recipe for imminent death, Poprocks
and Coke is the site in particular I was reading when I had this revelation
that I wanted typhoria to be a little more. Mike Fireball's articles made
me chuckle more than once, and I immediatly wanted to read them all. I can
only hope that in a month or so, someone will be thinking the same for here.
<oldschool hardcore="dumnet" alert>
The Typhoeus has spoken. 10% brain-loss guaranteed or your money back. This
was free. Bye now.
Stop reading, the article is over.
P.S. Don't write me saying that I screwed up the HTML, "<oldschool>" is not a tag. Moron.