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Work woes - Wednesday, April 16th, 2003 @ 8:56PM
Wow, has it been that long? Sorry guys. Extra work hours thrown on to EVERY morning really make me a miserable guy by the evening, I don't even know while I feel motivated tonight, today was horrible at work. I honestly think they are trying to kill me. I've never spent so much time in the pool before, my body is deteriorating. It seems like there is a week missing from since last time I posted, I can't recall a whole lot that happened... wow.
Oh, and I asked you guys to post questions, only 3 of you did. If I've only got 3 readers, then I'm going to quit.
The White Stripes || Black Math
Feeling || Not too bad
Time travel - Sunday, April 7th, 2003 @ 12:41PM
Why do I stay up all night? Why why why... In the past few months, I've done this various times, always heavily regretting it, and never staying up with good reason. When the morning hits, I always say "I wish I didn't stay up all night." What I wouldn't do to go back and tell my past self to get the hell to sleep... but then... he would have. Then I wouldn't be complaining about it and my current self, when he came along again, wouldn't go back to tell my past self, and therefore not stop my past self from staying awake... there's no way out?? It's an impossible circle. I guess time travel doesn't make sense then, but oh well.
Oh, and Laura makes me happy when I'm ubersad. I love you.
Marilyn Manson || Mobscene
Feeling || Sleeeeeepy
I did not invent the internet - Wednesday, April 2nd, 2003 @ 1:06PM
I was reading a forum thread this morning where the idea was to photoshop an image of some girl playing with some kids. A perfectly normal average every day picture. My mother looks at the screen and says "What are you taking pictures of now?!?" WHAT?
Does anyone else have trouble with their parents or whoever acting like you invented the internet and everything on it directly relates to you personally? If I had a nickel for everytime I'm on ANY website whatsoever and my mom looks at the screen and says in a confused tone "now what are you into there???" Uh, a website. What the hell does it look like. Then she'll do something stupid like shake her head... ?? If I watch anything on the computer.. or now that I think of it, TV as well, she'll look at it and do the same, as though I was watching some kind of Russian animated Dali-inspired porn festival with classical music. What would I need to be watching for her not to think I'm watching some kind of illegal and/or super ultra mambo foxtrot tango weird show... Blarg.
Marilyn Manson || Doll Dagga Buzz Buzz Ziggety Zag
Feeling || Annoyed
Lazy - Tuesday, April 1st, 2003 @ 5:58PM
I don't update my journal enough, I definitely have to make a point to do so.
I really wish that my very generous host had FTP uploading... it is a real pain to upload using some crazy CGI script blah blah blah... I've been thinking of getting some cool hosting of my own in the near future. If I do, then maybe I can host other people. That would be pretty neat. Plus I'd have a lot more speed/space, always a good thing... Depends on what my paycheck brings me.
Marilyn Manson || Spade
Feeling || Sick... again
NULL - NULL, 2003 @ NULL
"Whee! I'm Dick Tracy! [hits kid] Bang! Take that Pruneface! [hits kid] Now I'm Pruneface, take that Dick Tracy! [hits kid] Now I'm Prune Tracy, take that Dick Fa..."
Heh, just a little unrelated humor from little Ned Flanders.
This post should have gone up with the gameboy article. Oh well. I picked up a Gameboy Advance SP and a copy of Pokemon Sapphire (after a bit of reluctance at first, but I'm glad I did). I wanted something good and addicting, and indeed that is Pokemon. Luckily, it also kicks ass. I've logged 24 hours onto the thing since I got it only a few days ago. I haven't been this hardcore gaming since... Pokemon first came out I guess. Yay for ubergeekness.
Listening || Crystal Method - Busy Child
Feeling || Geeky
Engrish!! - Wednesday, March 19th, 2003 @ 2:15PM
Holy freaking crap-popsicles, is it against some kinda of LAW for major companies to put ENGLISH speaking people on staff as telephone service representatives?? I was setting up online banking today with CIBC and ALL THREE TIMES I CALLED THEM, I GOT THREE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT, COMPLETELY UNCOMPREHENSIBLE HEAVY-FOREIGN ACCENTED PEOPLE. I love foreign people, but what would compel someone to give a job that is 98.93484% about talking in english to people to a person that can't pronounce 50% of our alphabet?? Egads. I bet the foreign people are hanging up wondering why the hell all english speaking people can't understand english. Grumble.
Article up tonight when I get home, this one was fun.
Listening || Infected Mushroom - Release Me
Feeling || English
Proactiv - Tuesday, March 11th, 2003 @ 3:07PM
Alright, so I've tried everything. Minacin, Tetracycline, Solugel, Clyndoxel, ACCUTANE, etc etc etc. and still my acne persists. Accutane was supposed to be the end of it forever, and sure, it worked for awhile, but it seems to be back once again. Nothing severe, but it is really becoming bothersome. While at the mall today, I picked up Proactiv. The commercials convinced me, and it pretty much is my only option aside from more accutane. Wish me good luck.
Listening || Nothing
Feeling || Nothing
CRACK - Thursday, March 6th, 2003 @ 9:22PM
Don't you just love when your mouse decides it's only going to go so far in one direction? You know, when no matter how you move it and no matter how many times you clean it, you can't get the cursor over to the right side of the screen?? YEAH, I LOVE THAT TOO. *crack*. That was the sound of me thinking about pretending to throw my mouse at the wall, it's really irritating. I bet it'll be fine tommorow morning too, because there's not actuallyanything wrong with it at all. It's all in my head.
Listening || MSI - Dicks are for my Friends
Feeling || Awesome
Feeeed me - Wednesday, March 5th, 2003 @ 7:40PM
So far, so good it seems. I'm thinking maybe an article every week/week.5, maybe more, depending on motivation and feedback. Speaking of feedback, I want everyone's feedback if you have any. Just leave it on the board.
I think the sickness is finally starting to break up. I'm aiming for work tommorow, but only morning will tell.
Listening || Prodigy - Mindfields
Feeling || Motivated
New - Wednesday, March 5th, 2003 @ 3:30PM
It's that time of the month again. SITE CHANGE TIME! I've been hating el-rainbow-brite layout pretty much since it went up due to lack of graphics (not that this is much better). I've made about four layouts since, but they were all pretty crappy. That's how I've gotten to version 17 so fast, I only use maybe 1 out of every three. I even almost reused version two for this, but I didn't want to trounce through code fixing everything. I'm fairly content with this though. It kinda suits the zine feel more. Less clutter, more space for writing.
$10923978754 to the first person to tell me where the background sprite is from, specifically.
Listening || MSI - Planet of the Apes
Feeling || Proud