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Give Peace a Chance|05/03/03
isn't mall security at its finest, I don't know what is. Two men were arrested
for wearing shirts that promoted PEACE. Only in America could I even find
such an article to read. The shirt read "Give peace a chance" and
"Peace on Earth." Talk about offensive! I can barely type such vulgarity
without bursting into flames and regrowing into a terrorist. I mean COME ON.
Who is going to be upset at the thought of someone else being anti-violent?
Sure, if the shirt said "Give peace a chance or I'll set your mom on
fire and kill you," or showed me driving over the president in a car,
I'd at least relate slightly, but only because of situations concerning war.
Security: Excuse me sir, but we need to ask
you to remove your batman t-shirt. We feel it may outrage the parents of bat/human
hybrid children.
Man: I'm not wearing a batman shi-
Security: You're under arrest!!
certain people are losing sight of what is and is not offensive due to all
the hoopla about Iraq and getting blown up and whatnot. Why do I have a feeling
that if the same man were wearing a "Bomb Iraq!" shirt, there would
have been no problem?
The really dumb thing is that, as everyone with 2 onces of brainworms knows, you throw one hippy out of your mall, you're going to have 100 more with protest signs filing in to take their place. It's like in Fantasia when the broom went apeshit and hacked Mickey to pieces and all the pieces became little Mickies and they took over Oz or whatever. Point is, had they just left the men alone, they probably would have finished their shopping in less time than it took to arrest them and left the mall in its perfect anti-anti-war harmony.
Oh yeah:
- Typhoeus